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We are very excited to announce that we are working towards AACS Accreditation for our school!

We use a variety of Bob Jones and Abeka curriculum to challenge our students towards excellence.

We have a large facility with many classrooms and a beautiful gymnatorium.
The Bible is our main “textbook” though we do not treat it as a mere textbook, instead, view it as the manual for life. All grades enjoy at least one chapel service per week. EHCS also offers a wide range of courses. In elementary grades all of the basic subjects are taught, including phonics, Heritage (history), Math, Spelling, etc. 1st – 6th graders have the opportunity to use Chromebooks as an enrichment to classroom instruction, with the 5th & 6th grades receiving basic typing and word processing instruction. In 7th-12th grades, our students continue to have Bible and receive further instruction and reinforcement in all of the core subjects. Daily instruction in the Word moves our students toward our goal of graduating mature Christians equipped for their personal future. Our high school students have many electives to choose from, including Spanish, Computer Applications, Publications, Physics, Chemistry, and Pre-Calculus. Remediation for those who are lagging behind and enrichment for those who are accelerated, are both provided as the teacher deems necessary.
We are utilizing the Iowa Assessments which does an amazing job of measuring our students' achievement. You can read more about the Iowa Assessments here. Our students have consistently performed above average expectations on these standardized tests. In the occasional event that a particular area of the IAT is noted to be lower than our desired score, special attention is given to that area the next year. We participate in scoring, both in the national group as well as the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS).
We offer a Biblically integrated and academically rigorous curriculum from BJU Press and A Beka Press as our main source of textbooks.
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